Saturday, October 26, 2013

If You Love Jewelry Read This Now!

By Allen Goodwin

You want to look your best and your jewelry is an extension of you. There is plenty to learn and possibly plenty of bogus information to unlearn. There are many tips and tricks available for jewelry and we have gathered some of the most important ones for you to use here in this article.

Make sure that you remove your jewelry when doing things that could damage it, such as cleaning the house, swimming in a pool or hot tub, even just putting on lotion. Normal cleaners and harsh chemicals can do damage to the finish of your precious metals and loosen the stones.

While jewelry makes a great surprise gift, you should avoid presenting jewelry at off-the-cuff moments. A really beloved piece of jewelry is one that reminds its owner of a particularly memorable occasion. If there is not a common or personal holiday associated with your gift, make an effort to turn the presentation itself into an experience to remember.

If your jewelry has gemstones, you should not soak your jewelry when you are trying to clean it. Gemstones can absorb water and soap, causing them to lose their natural color. When you are cleaning gemstones, you should use a damp cloth to scrub it clean so you can preserve your jewelry's natural luster.

Professional jewelers and gemologists often rely on Sunshine Polishing Cloths to keep their metals, gems, and jewelry settings looking shiny and new. The cloths are available online and at most jewelry stores. These cloths are mild enough for even the most delicate rings, necklaces, and bracelets and are generally priced at only a few dollars each.

If you are using bleach or other household cleaners, remove your jewelry first. The chemicals contained in these cleaners can ruin the luster on your precious gems. They can also discolor gold and silver. Put your favorite jewelry in a safe place and then get on with your cleaning project.

Create a solution of warm water and a few drops of dish-washing liquid and use it to soak your gold pieces. Scrubbing the piece with a soft toothbrush can help to remove any particulates that may be stuck to the jewelry. Cleaning your jewelry can keep it looking new for years.

Before you go out and purchase a diamond from any location, make sure you research the subject a little bit. Not knowing what to look for or the price range of diamonds might leave you paying a lot more than you should. A lot of jewelers just love uneducated buyers, so don't fall into that trap.

Store your jewelry in a covered jewelry box, away from extreme temperatures. Exposure to heat and UV rays from the sun can make gemstone jewelry lose its intense color. Humidity can also affect precious metals. When you keep your jewelry safe in a covered jewelry box, you can prevent some of these problems.

Store your earrings on a long piece of ribbon. Tie the ends of the ribbon to each end of your mirror and then tack the earrings to the ribbon, using the backs to keep them in place. This gives you easy access to your favorite pairs, and is also a decorative feature in your bedroom or bathroom.

Gifts of jewelry are so meaningful to the receiver, even if the item is not to their taste. It's even better to do a bit of research into finding a piece of jewelry that is right for him or her. The perfect piece will show you listen, and that you care.

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Beautiful Genuine Gemstone Jewelry Online

By Patrice McCoy

Unless you happen to be an expert gemologist, it can be very difficult to identify genuine gemstone jewelry these days. It is no longer a case of picking out the colored glass from the real stones, they now manufacture real gems in laboratories and even an expert can have a problem telling real from fake. Perhaps it does not really matter, you might say and that is certainly a point of view held by many.

A gemstone, like a diamond, has come out of the earth and is, if you like, a part of our planet. It has a value of its own. Stones like sapphires, rubies and emeralds come into the diamond class and even beat diamonds at their own game sometimes due to their scarcity mostly. But there are many, many more beautiful stones being dug out of far flung gem pits daily which can in time adorn your fingers.

The second one is that many people in the far flung corners of this planet make their living by digging and mining gemstones out of the rocks and other strata nature has endowed with them. Not like the diamond mines of South Africa, of course, but all over Sri Lanka and Madagascar, for example, there are gem pits. Perhaps those people are worthy of consideration.

Knowing the difference between a laboratory produced aquamarine and one from Brazil may not be too easy. Even experts have been fooled before now into thinking that a well cut zircon was a diamond. If you like it and the price is right go ahead, but remember that is it is simulated or synthetic it has no inherent value of its own.

There are just so many beautiful gems to be found on this wonderful planet. Many like garnets often come from Africa though India too is a source. Tourmalines too come from Africa and also Brazil. These stones come in almost all the colors of the rainbow and are often multi-colored. Lapis Lazuli is found primarily in the Hindu Kush inside Afghanistan. The stone is the most unbelievably vivid blue, so much so that you would probably think it was a fake on first sight. Smaller deposits are found scattered all over the world even in the US, Canada, Chile and Russia.

Red Spinel used to be taken for Ruby by genuine error as they are both found in the same locations and have a very similar look as they both get their lustrous redness from chromium. Spinel also comes in black. The beautiful topaz is best known in shades of yellow and brown though it can also be found in green, blue, red and even colorless forms.

Then there are onyx, citrine and turquoise. Onyx is a type of chalcedony, a kind of quartz. Citrine is also a type of quartz that has been in use for jewelry since ancient Greece. It is the birthstone for November. Turquoise is supposed to be derived from the French and means Turkish stone as that is where the copper aluminum phosphate mineral stones were first bought and brought to Europe way back in time.

Genuine gemstone jewelry is something to cherish. Like all jewelry you should learn how to clean it or take it back to your jeweler from time to time to keep it in pristine condition. A thing of beauty is a joy forever.

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Jewelry Buying Tips

By Anna U Purginton

Jewelry is best worn on special occasions. When you wear your best jewelry to work everyday you lose the opportunity to show it off. Take the time to think of when it is best to wear you jewelry and you are more likely to stun those around you by its presence.

When you are looking to buy a diamond, take some time and learn about diamonds and how they are graded. This will help you to make a more informed decision. It is best to know the diamond's value and why. It is also good to know if you are being taken advantage of.

After you buy a piece of jewelry for yourself, or for someone else, you must always remember to keep the receipt. Keeping the receipt allows you to keep track of your purchases, use it in the case that you need to return the item, or verify that it was purchased at the location if it needs to be fixed or is defective.

A diamond that has a fluorescence of blue when exposed to an ultraviolet light, also called a black light, means that the diamond will appear whiter in the daylight which would mask any yellow tints the diamond may have. This is useful when purchasing a diamond because the diamond will look brighter, even though it has a low color grade.

Budget your jewelry purchases well in advance and stick to the price range you settle on. The jewelry store can be every bit as tempting as the candy shop, but you must resist the urge to splurge. Jewelry carries lots of memories and associations with it; you do not want to spoil a piece by spending so much that you regret the sight of it later.

Rich and vibrant turquoise is one of the most popular stones available. It is one of the most popular gemstones for the month of December and is often thought to invite feelings of love, good luck, and happiness. This particular gemstone is also the traditional gifting stone to celebrate the 11th wedding anniversary.

If you can afford to invest in only one necklace, opt for a simple chain in a high-quality platinum or gold. Delicate chains go well with virtually any outfit and are easy to coordinate with your favorite rings and earrings. This also gives you the option to switch out pendants whenever you feel that you need a change.

Storing jewelry can be the absolute death of its luster, even if you're storing it in the box it came in. Avoid storing jewelry in only those manufacturer's boxes and even store-bought jewelry boxes. If you're storing your items long-term, wrap them up in an airtight container to ensure maximum protection. One of those zippered plastic storage bags, works wonders.

You did your due diligence. You knew why and who you were buying that piece of jewelry for. The time and effort you put into shopping were well worth every minute knowing that the recipient of that stunning item would absolutely love the level of taste and style.

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Guide To Making Custom Handmade Jewelry

By Mathew Engelking

If you have decided to try making your own custom handmade jewelry you are probably a little daunted. The first thing to say is, don't be. Crafting beautiful beaded designs can be done with no experience, no metal skills or fancy machinery and tools. It just takes dedication, love of craft and a bit of creativity.

The first thing to do is start thinking about the designs you want to work on. Design is a huge part of making fancy jewelry. You probably already have lots of gorgeous designs in your mind, stored away somewhere. Now you need to start getting them out so you can begin working on them. Part of doing this is paying close attention to other people's work. When you see a new necklace, brooch or watch, look at the details and the delicacies of its design.

Remember that making your own stuff has to come from within you. Though there are pieces of advice to follow there is no rule book or set of guidelines to follow to guarantee great designs. It is, after all, a creative and subjective thing. So, while this guide will fill you in on some of that advice, it should be stressed that you are free to break and make rules as you go.

Make sure you get a sketch book to record ideas. It is easy to forget a moment of grand inspiration you have out in public by the time you get home in the evening. As soon as an idea pops into your head draw it out roughly - you don't need to be a great artist - and then look back on it later to see if it is as good as you thought.

Many first time designers forget to be functional as well as inspired. The gates are open for you to be as out there and wacky as you wish but don't forget the purpose of these pieces is to be worn. Don't get so carried away with the design that you end up with a necklace which can't fit around the wearer's neck.

There are plenty of people out there who decide to sell their designs but do not take on the proper insurance. Just because you love to do it does not mean it is not proper work. Make sure you are in compliance with state regulations before you sell any of your designs either online or in a store.

Custom handmade jewelry is a fun, creative and satisfying pastime. With the right attitude it can also be a great business. Keep this advice in mind if you are planning to dip your toe into this exciting world.

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Friday, October 25, 2013

Accentuating Beauty With Art Design Jewelry

By Noemi Wallner

There is a saying that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. However, over the years, some items have been accepted as symbols of beauty. Art design jewelry is among these items and many consumers choose these products as their preference to accentuate their natural beauty. Many people have therefore chosen these products as gifts for women on important days in their lives such as birthdays or other celebrations.

Their glittery appearance draws the attention of many people whenever a person donning one of these items walks into a room. Consumers of fashion items know that uniqueness of these items increases desire for them. This is why many people do not mind having to pay the extra cost of custom-made products.

The designers also provide products that meet the tastes of their clients. Pedant necklaces for women are very popular and many of them wear these. They are available in many designs to suit the tastes and preferences of different clients. Individuals should have a proper description of their preferences so that they can make suitable choices.

For those who can afford or have saved enough money for the purchase, gold chains are available that they could buy as gifts. Silver is less costly but the cheapest are made from aluminum and copper. These are quite common in many beauty shops.

Arizona jewelry designers also stock a variety of vintage products that they avail to their clients. These are very attractive especially to people with a hobby for collecting these items. They were designed long ago and have been overtaken by fashion trends. However, they make an attractive display for walls.

The designs available fit any particular tastes and preferences that an individual may have. Some people prefer pedants with a single large stone while others may prefer products with many stones. The pattern of arrangement also differs from one person to another.

The dealers have different prices for their products which could be similar in all other aspects. Individuals should therefore do adequate market research before making their choices. They should also be ware that the market is full of con artists dealing in fake products. They should know how to differentiate real and fake items.

The internet has made shopping for art design jewelry easier. Many sellers have websites with images of their products and price tags on them. One should therefore consult these sites to do research and determine the best options. The buyers can also access products not available in their countries and they will be delivered to the addresses they specify.

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Information To Have About Alaskan Jewelry

By Sharlene Fleming

An outfit can really be changed by the addition of jewelry. A little bit of glamor or elegance can be added to a plain outfit. An attractive option is Alaskan jewelry, which, depending on where you are, you can find in stores or online. There is the same variety of choice that you might find with anything else.

Carved jewelry is one particular kind which is made by Native Alaskan people. You might like a carved bracelet that slips onto your wrist with ease without you needing to use a clasp. Yellow gold and sterling silver are among the different metals that are used, here. The detail on the bracelet will very likely need a closer look. Buying online will probably mean that you can click a picture that will allow you to see the design much more clearly.

Those who are buying from a store might want to ask a sales assistant if they can look more closely. Others may prefer to have something with a gemstone, and that can also be found, as well. You might want a clear blue stone that has a lot in common with the Alaskan glacier ice, for example. Neutral and light colors will be more likely to suit these cold colors for those who like to coordinate. Gems like ammonite are also frequently available, and this is a stone that covers a few different colors, resembling a rainbow.

This is attention-grabbing, and may be too much for some, but it can act as the focal point of a more neutral ensemble so it does not clash. Pendants, earrings and rings can be found, here, with the different colors as a gradient across the stone. Depending on the stone, some colors will be more prominent than others, and it is worth looking at different ones to see which you might prefer.

Alexandrite also has a lot of colors, although you will notice that it is more subtle and a little darker than ammonite. You might choose this because it is the more elegant of the two options. There is a bright, mottled appearance to gold in quartz, on the other hand, and you might prefer this. There is a vibrant contrast between white or pink quartz and the gold.

It is possible to buy reversible pendants with gold in quartz on one side and ammonite on the other. This gives too options in one piece, of course, but many may like to make the most of both with one outfit. Gold nugget jewelry is quite interesting, because rather than the bright gold that we are used to, it offers the softer, more neutral tone of natural, unpolished gold.

It can be found in watches, although you might just want it in a ring or a pedant. Metals and gemstones in your adornment might not be what you want, after all. You can find, then, pieces crafted from materials like wood, instead. Wood is not very durable, though, and this is not good over long term.

Some companies, though, have been infusing the wood with resin to make a more durable option. This makes this particular type of Alaskan jewelry much more reliable.

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Necessary Tools For Jewelry Making

By Rod Buchanon

If you are interested in jewelry making, there are a few items you must have in your tool kit before beginning. If you have the correct tools, then you will save a lot of time and be super efficient when working on your pieces. Although you could buy all the cool gadgets and clever tools that allow you to do fancy work more easily, you can achieve the same results with a little diligence using the basic set of necessary tools.

First and foremost, every jewelry maker needs a set of pliers. Pliers come in many different shapes and forms, but they are at the top of the list in order to be able to do anything at all. The pliers in question are not the same type of pliers used for household repairs. For accessory making, pliers are small and have smoother surfaces, to ensure that wire work does not get nicked or damaged during handling.

Chain nose or flat nose pliers are undoubtedly the most important kind of pliers to own. They can do a number of things that are very important when it comes to creating pieces with wire and metal. The jaws of a set of chain nose pliers are beak-shaped. They are used to bend wire into angular shapes or even straighten wire. They can also close jump rings, another essential part of creating accessories, and they can be used to hold things in place while working.

Round nose pliers are different in that their jaws are shaped conically. They are wider at the base and narrower at the tip. These pliers have no grooves, to facilitate the gentle handling of metals and wire. They can be used to make loops of varying sizes, and can also open and close small metal rings known as jump rings.

Other pliers include wire looping pliers, crimping pliers and nylon tipped pliers, which are specially created to use with softer materials so that they don't get scratched or damaged during handling. Wire looping pliers make looping quick and easy. Crimping pliers are used to close crimp beads into neat, flat beds.

When dealing with wire, cutters are also very necessary. Decide between the bevel cutter or the flush cutter, the second of which is more expensive. The bevel cutter cuts at an angle, often requiring filing in order to properly finish. However, flush cutters cut through wire to leave a flat surface.

When cutters leave a rough edge or tip, you need to file it down for a good finish. For this, you will need to purchase a file. Luckily, they come in packs containing various sizes to suit your every project need.

Finally in the list of necessary jewelry making tools are a pair of tweezers, needles and thread. Tweezers will help with precision work. Needles and thread will be necessary for beading, although thin wire can also be used instead of thread. It is advisable to get a range of sizes of needle. Glue should also be purchased for a tool kit, as it is an indispensable tool to have for all sorts of work.

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Accent Your Life with Beautiful Jewellery

By Dave G Thompson

It is nice to know that bracelets and other jewellery items make popular gifts. Not everyone wants the hassle of traveling from location to location to see the various styles of brooches, pendants and necklaces available. Stumbling across an appealing brooch is much more likely when you are able to search at your leisure. Whether it is a gift for yourself or another, each item will attract attention. Decorative accessories are the foundation of an ensemble and bring elegance and beauty to the person wearing it.

Whether you are searching for the ideal ornament for an adult or child, the variety is so incredible that any gemstone will be located. Features that individualize diamond rings are size and color.

A delicate silver ring with a black Tahitian pearl fits the preference of some. You may have noticed your girlfriend looking at the amazing bezel diamond cuts set in platinum when strolling through stores at the mall. Before making a decision, look through jewellery online to get an idea of what is available.

Necklaces are a centerpiece to the soul, featuring many lengths to necklaces and a style for almost everyone. Whether it is a simple jewellery piece such as a black onyx necklace or a single strand gold chain featuring a diamond dangling from the end, these pieces add class to the ensemble. A great gift for Mothers' Day or a birthday, it signifies love. There are times when the overwhelming urge to buy something special cannot be ignored. Graceful elegance and fashion increase actual and sentimental value.

A brooch is frequently large and makes a bold statement to a jacket or coat. Recently they have taken a place of elegance on dresses, scarves and blouses. Think of the special beauty of a single brooch shaped like a flower or butterfly. With no limit to the imagination, the artisan creates a work of elegance that adds to individual presence. Regardless of the color or shape, it is suitable at any time of the day or as an accessory for an evening on the town. The wearer will be delighted to see how fashionable the brooch is and how the topaz highlights her stylish dress.

Earrings are easy to notice and are a simple yet beautiful item to wear. Many times the choice of the day reflects the wearer's mood, such as sedate or incredibly happy. No other accessory matches the variety of earrings. Gems like sapphires, rubies and emeralds give a stunning look to the wearer. Chains and bracelets are sometimes ignored because of allergic reactions to the compounds. If she cannot wear gold or silver, perhaps quality stainless steel works.

It might seem overwhelming to look through the many pieces of jewellery. It is important to limit your search so only the things you are interested in appear. A charming necklace brings a smile and genuine thanks. In this manner you start off with a beautiful gift and continue to add to the set over the years. Jot down whether someone likes silver or gold to make choosing the perfect gift even easier.

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